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Publications & Presentations 

Dr Sidhu has published extensively in several peer-reviewed national and international journals.


Shahidi N, Vosko S, Gupta S, van Hattem WA, Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Williams SJ, Lee EYT, Burgess N, Bourke MJ. Previously Attempted Large Nonpedunculated Colorectal Polyps Are Effectively Managed by Endoscopic Mucosal Resection. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021 May 1;116(5):958-966.

Vosko S, Gupta S, Shahidi N, van Hattem WA, Zahid S, McKay O, Whitfield A, Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Lee EYT, Byth K, Williams SJ, Burgess N, Bourke MJ. Impact of technical innovations in endoscopic mucosal resection in the treatment of large nonpedunculated polyps involving the ileocecal valve (with video). Gastrointest Endosc. 2021 May 11:S0016-5107(21)01345-6.

Sidhu M, Shahidi N, Gupta S, Desomer L, Vosko S, Arnout van Hattem W, Hourigan LF, Lee EYT, Moss A, Raftopoulos S, Heitman SJ, Williams SJ, Zanati S, Tate DJ, Burgess N, Bourke MJ. Outcomes of Thermal Ablation of the Mucosal Defect Margin After Endoscopic Mucosal Resection: A Prospective, International, Multicenter Trial of 1000 Large Nonpedunculated Colorectal Polyps. Gastroenterology. 2021 Mar 31:S0016-5085(21)

Tsoi EH, Mahindra P, Cameron G, Williams R, Norris R, Desmond PV, Raftopoulos S, Pavey D, Rattan A, Hourigan LF, Lee R, Bourke MJ, Sidhu N, Singh R, Chan A, Krishnamurthi S, Taylor AC. Barrett's esophagus with low-grade dysplasia: high rate of upstaging at Barrett's esophagus referral units suggests progression rates may be overestimated. Gastrointest Endosc. 2021 May 22:S0016-5107(21)01358-4.

Vosko S, Shahidi N, Sidhu M, van Hattem WA, Bar-Yishay I, Schoeman S, Tate DJ, Hourigan LF, Singh R, Moss A, Byth K, Lee EYT, Burgess NG, Bourke MJ. Optical evaluation for predicting cancer in large non-pedunculated colorectal polyps is accurate for flat lesions. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 May 13:S1542-3565(21)00520-6.

Bar-Yishay I, Shahidi N, Gupta S, Vosko S, van Hattem WA, Schoeman S, Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Hourigan LF, Singh R, Moss A, Raftopoulos SC, Brown G, Zanati S, Heitman SJ, Lee EYT, Burgess N, Williams SJ, Byth K, Bourke MJ. Outcomes of Deep Mural Injury After Endoscopic Resection: An International Cohort of 3717 Large Non-Pedunculated Colorectal Polyps. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Jan 8:S1542-3565(21)00009-4.

Gupta S, Sidhu M, Banh X, Bradbear J, Byth K, Hourigan LF, Raftopoulos S, Bourke MJ. A prospective multicentre study of per-oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) for achalasia in Australia. Med J Aust. 2021 Mar;214(4):173-178.

Sidhu M, Fritzsche JA, Klein A, Shahidi N, Vosko S, van Hattem WA, Tate DJ, Bourke MJ. Outcomes of thermal ablation of the defect margin after duodenal endoscopic mucosal resection (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc. 2021 Jun;93(6):1373-1380.

van Hattem WA, Shahidi N, Vosko S, Bar-Yishay I, Schoeman S, Sidhu M, McLeod D, Bourke MJ. Large prolapse-related lesions of the sigmoid colon. Endoscopy. 2021 Jun;53(6):652-657.

Vosko S, Gupta S, Shahidi N, Hourigan LF, van Hattem WA, Bar-Yishay I, Schoeman S, Sidhu M, Burgess NG, Lee EYT, Bourke MJ. Snare-tip soft coagulation is effective and efficient as a first-line modality for treating intraprocedural bleeding during Barrett's mucosectomy. Endoscopy. 2021 May;53(5):511-516.

Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Bourke MJ. Response. Gastrointest Endosc. 2020 Dec;92(6):1277-1278.

Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Bourke MJ. Response. Gastrointest Endosc. 2021 Jan;93(1):281-282.

Fritzsche JA, Klein A, Beekman MJ, van Hooft JE, Sidhu M, Schoeman S, Fockens P, Bourke MJ, Voermans RP. Endoscopic papillectomy; a retrospective international multicenter cohort study with long-term follow-up. Surg Endosc. 2020 Nov 6.

Shahidi N, Sidhu M, Bar-Yishay I, Bourke MJ. IIc or not IIc: a question for meticulous optical evaluation. Gut. 2020 Mar;69(3):410-512.

Shahidi N, Vosko S, van Hattem WA, Sidhu M, Bourke MJ. Optical evaluation: the crux for effective management of colorectal neoplasia. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2020 May 18.

Sidhu M, Shahidi N, Vosko S, van Hattem WA, Tate DJ, Bourke MJ The incremental benefit of dye chromoendoscopy compared to high-definition white light and virtual chromoendoscopy for lesion assessment and prediction of submucosal invasion. EMJ Gastroenterology. 2020;Dec (9)

Tate DJ & Sidhu M, Bar-Yishay I, et al. Impact of en bloc resection on long-term outcomes after endoscopic mucosal resection: a matched cohort study. Gastrointest Endosc 2020;91:1155-63

Sidhu M, Bourke MJ. Endoscopic submucosal dissection in the rectum with a novel tissue retraction device. Dig Endosc. 2020;32(1).Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Bourke MJ. Transmucosal diverticular myotomy for the treatment of oesophageal diverticula associated with spastic motility disorders [published online ahead of print, 2020 Mar 26]. Gut. 2020.

van Hattem WA, Shahidi N, Vosko S, Hartley I, Britto K, Sidhu M, Bar-Yishay I, Schoeman S, Tate DJ, Byth K, Hewett DG, Pellisé M, Hourigan LF, Moss A, Tutticci N, Bourke MJ. Piecemeal cold snare polypectomy versus conventional endoscopic mucosal resection for large sessile serrated lesions: a retrospective comparison across two successive periods. Gut. 2020 Nov 10.

Shahidi N, Sidhu M, Vosko S, van Hattem WA, Bar-Yishay I, Schoeman S, Tate DJ, Holt B, Hourigan LF, Lee EY, Burgess NG, Bourke MJ. Endoscopic mucosal resection is effective for laterally spreading lesions at the anorectal junction. Gut. 2020 Apr;69(4):673-680. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2019-319785. Epub 2019 Nov 12. PMID:31719129

Shahidi N, Sidhu M, Arnout van Hattem W, Vosko S, Bourke MJ. Do not narrow your focus: systematic optical evaluation is required. Gastrointest Endosc. 2020;91(6):1403‐1405.

Shahidi N, Sidhu M, Bar-Yishay I, Bourke MJ. IIc or not IIc: a question for meticulous optical evaluation. Gut. 2020 Mar;69(3):410–512.

Shahidi N, Sidhu M, Bar-Yishay I, Bourke MJ. Mind the gap: submucosal diffusion of tattoo into the resection defect. Gastrointest Endosc. 2019 Nov;90(5):856-858

Thoguluva Chandrasekar V, Aziz M, Patel HK, Sidhu M, Duvvuri A, Dasari C, Kennedy KF, Ashwath A, Spadaccini M, Desai M, Jegadeesan R, Sathyamurthy A, Vennalaganti P, Kohli D, Hassan C, Pellise M, Repici A, Sharma P, Bourke MJ. Efficacy and Safety of Endoscopic Resection of Sessile Serrated Polyps 10 mm or Larger: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Nov 29. pii: S1542-3565(19)31381-3.

Tate DJ, Klein A, Sidhu M, Desomer L, Awadie H, Lee EYT, Mahajan H, McLeod D, Bourke MJ. Endoscopic submucosal dissection for suspected early gastric cancer: absolute versus expanded criteria in a large Western cohort (with video). Gastrointest Endosc. 2019 Sep;90(3):467-479.e4.

Klein A, Tate DJ, Jayasekeran V, Hourigan L, Singh R, Brown G, Bahin F, Burgess N, Williams S, Lee E, Sidhu M, Byth K, Bourke MJ, Thermal Ablation of Mucosal Defect Margins Reduces Adenoma Recurrence After Colonic Endoscopic Mucosal Resection. Gastroenterology. 2018 Oct 5.

Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Desomer L, Brown G, Hourigan LF, Lee EYT, Moss A, Raftopoulos S, Singh R, Williams SJ, Zanati S, Burgess N, Bourke MJ. The size, morphology, site, and access score predicts critical outcomes of endoscopic mucosal resection in the colon. Endoscopy. 2018 Jul;50(7):684-692.

Tate DJ, Bahin FF, Desomer L, Sidhu M, Gupta V, Bourke MJ. Cold-forceps avulsion with adjuvant snare-tip soft coagulation (CAST) is an effective and safe strategy for the management of non-lifting large laterally spreading colonic lesions. Endoscopy. 2018 Jan;50(1):52-62.

Tate DJ, Jayanna M, Awadie H, Desomer L, Lee R, Heitman SJ, Sidhu M, Goodrick K, Burgess NG, Mahajan H, McLeod D, Bourke MJ. A standardized imaging protocol for the endoscopic prediction of dysplasia within sessile serrated polyps (with video).  Gastrointest Endosc. 2017 Jul 13.

Sidhu M, van der Poorten D. The gut microbiome. Aust Fam Physician. 2017;46(4):206–11.

Sidhu M, McGaughran J, Jessop M. Pleural malignancy in a 22-year-old female with a chromosome 22q13 deletion. Am J Med Genet A. 2012 Sep;158A(9):2362–3.

Clough A, Layani L, Sidhu M, Wheatley L, Shah A. Subfascial port placement in gastric banding surgery. Obes Surg. 2011 May;21(5):604–8.

International Presentations


Sidhu M, Forbes N, Tate DJ, Desomer L, van Hattem A, Bar-Yishay I, Vosko S, Schoeman S, Shahidi N, Burgess NG, Cheng EJ, Schell A, Hilsden R, Heitman SJ, Bourke MJ. Efficacy of a thin- versus thick- diameter snare for cold snare polypectomy – a multi-center randomized controlled trial.

Sidhu M, Fritzsche JA, Tate DJ, Klein A, van Hattem A, Vosko S, Shahidi N, Bar-Yishay I, Schoeman S, Bourke MJ. Thermal ablation of the defect margin after duodenal endoscopic mucosal resection significantly reduces the rate of adenoma recurrence.

Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Hourigan L, Raftopoulos S, Moss A, Heitman SJ, van Hattem A, Vosko V, Gupta S, Bar-Yishay I, Schoeman S, Shahidi N, Lee EY, Burgess NG, Williams SJ, Bourke MJ. Thermal ablation of the mucosal defect margin after endoscopic mucosal resection – a prospective international multi-center trial.

Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Vosko V, Shahidi N, Bar-Yishay I, Schoeman S, Bourke MJ. The incremental benefit of dye-based chromoendoscopy in addition to high-definition white light and virtual chromoendoscopy for lesion assessment and prediction of submucosal invasion.

van Hattem WA, Shahidi N, Vosko V, Hartley I, Britto K, Sidhu M, Bar-Yishay I, Schoeman S, Tate DJ, Hewett D, Moss A, Tutticci N, Bourke MJ. Piecemeal coldsnare excision of large sessile serrated polyps is safer and equally efficacious in comparison to conventional endoscopic mucosal resection.

Schoeman S, Shahidi N, van Hattem WA, Sidhu M, Bourke MJ. Full-thickness endoscopic mucosal resection for deeply invasive submucosal colorectal neoplasia

Bar-Yishay I, Shahidi N, Vosko V, van Hattem A, Schoeman S, Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Hourigan LF, Singh R, Moss A, Raftopoulos SC, Brown G, Zanati S, Heitman SJ, Burgess NG, Bourke MJ. Outcomes in treatment of intraprocedural deep mural injury in a prospective cohort of large polyp resection.

Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Bourke MJ 779 Intra-luminal diverticular myotomy for the treatment of mid-oesophageal diverticula associated with oesophageal motility disorders.Gastrointest Endosc Volume 87, Issue 6, Supplement, June 2018, Pages AB117-AB118

Tate DJ, Desomer L, Awadie H, Goodrick K, Sidhu M, Burgess NG, et al. 606 Simple Endoscopic Treatment of Adenoma Recurrence After Wide Field Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Is Effective: A Prospective Study Of 1558 Lesions With Long Term Follow Up Gastrointest Endosc. Elsevier; 2018 Jun;87(6):AB100–1.

Tate DJ & Sidhu M, Desomer L,Ma MX, Bourke MJ. 858 Omental Patch Closure With Through the Scope Endoscopic Clips in the Treatment of a Large Iatrogenic Gastric Perforation at Esd. Gastrointest Endosc. 2017 May;85(5):AB111.

Tate DJ & Sidhu M, Brown GJ, Zanati S, Moss A, Singh R, et al. 951 The SMSA Polyp Score Reliably Predicts Robust Endpoints of Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Colorectal Laterally Spreading Lesions. Gastrointest Endosc. 2017 May;85(5):AB118.

Tate DJ & Sidhu M, Desomer L,Ma MX, Bourke MJ. 858 Omental Patch Closure With Through the Scope Endoscopic Clips in the Treatment of a Large Iatrogenic Gastric Perforation at Esd. Gastrointest Endosc. 2017 May;85(5):AB111.

Tate DJ & Sidhu M, Desomer L,  Awadie H, Brown GJ, Hourigan L, Singh R, Zanati S, Moss A, Raftopoulos S, Eric Y. Lee E, Burgess N, Bourke MJ Long-term rates of surgery and adenoma recurrence are similar for laterally spreading lesions resected en bloc or by piecemeal resection.

Tate DJ, Sidhu M, Desomer L,  Awadie H, Brown GJ, Hourigan L, Singh R, Zanati S, Moss A, Raftopoulos S, Eric Y. Lee E, Burgess N, Bourke MJ Long Term Rates of Surgery and Adenoma Recurrence are Similar for Laterally Spreading Lesions resected En-Bloc or Piecemeal by Endoscopic Mucosal Resection

Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Bourke MJ Intra-luminal diverticular myotomy for the treatment of mid-oesophageal diverticula associated with oesophageal motility disorders.

Tate DJ & Sidhu M, Desomer L,Ma MX, Bourke MJ. Omental Patch Closure With Through the Scope Endoscopic Clips in the Treatment of a Large Iatrogenic Gastric Perforation at Esd.

Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Bourke MJ. 1161 Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection of a 25MM Neuroendocrine Tumour of the Gastric Body. Gastrointest Endosc. 2017 May;85(5):AB159.

Sidhu M, Lobke Desomer, David J Tate, et. al - Visible vessels do not predict clinically significant post endoscopic bleeding after EMR -  a systematic description of the post EMR defect.

National Presentations


Sidhu M, Fritzsche JA, Tate DJ, Klein A, van Hattem A, Vosko S, Shahidi N, Bar-Yishay I, Schoeman S, Bourke MJ. Thermal ablation of the defect margin after duodenal endoscopic mucosal resection significantly reduces the rate of adenoma recurrence.

Sidhu M, Bucalau A.M, Lemmers A, Devière J, Bourke MJ

Endoscopic submucosal dissection for the treatment of early oesophageal adenocarcinoma not amenable to band mucosectomy.

Gupta S, Sidhu M, Banh X, Bradbear J,  Hourigan L, Raftopoulos S, Bourke, MJ A prospective multicentre study of Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) for treating achalasia and spastic oesophageal disorders

Sidhu M & Tate D.J., Desomer L., Heitman S.J., Forbes N., Burgess N., Awadie H., De Looze D., Anderson J. Rex D., Bourke M.J.

An International Survey of Colorectal Polypectomy Practice Demonstrates Encouraging Adherence To Published Guidance and Highlights Specific Areas For Improvement

Sidhu M & Tate D.J. &., Desomer L., Awadie H., Burgess N.G., Bourke M.J. Simple Endoscopic Treatment of Adenoma Recurrence After Wide Field Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Is Effective:  A Prospective Study Of 1558 Lesions With Long Term Follow Up

Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Bourke MJ Intra-luminal diverticular myotomy for the treatment of mid-oesophageal diverticula associated with oesophageal motility disorders.

Sidhu M, Bourke MJ Oesophageal ESD of partially to fully circumferential lesions – a case series

Tate DJ & Sidhu M, Desomer L,  Awadie H, Brown GJ, Hourigan L, Singh R, Zanati S, Moss A, Raftopoulos S, Eric Y. Lee E, Burgess N, Bourke MJ Long-term rates of surgery and adenoma recurrence are similar for laterally spreading lesions resected en bloc or by piecemeal resection.

Sidhu M & Tate DJ, Desomer L,Ma MX, Bourke MJ. 858 Omental Patch Closure With Through the Scope Endoscopic Clips in the Treatment of a Large Iatrogenic Gastric Perforation at Esd. Gastrointest Endosc. 2017 May;85(5):AB111.

Sidhu M, Tate DJ, Bourke MJ. 1161 Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection of a 25MM Neuroendocrine Tumour of the Gastric Body. Gastrointest Endosc. 2017 May;85(5):AB159.

Sidhu M, Bucalau A.M, Lemmers A, Devière J, Bourke MJ

Endoscopic submucosal dissection in the treatment of Barrett’s Oesophagus with high-grade dysplasia/early cancer: a multi-centre experience.


Dr Mayenaaz Sidhu

Dr Sidhu is a nationally and internationally recognised specialist clinician in gastroenterology and hepatology. He has particular interest in advanced endoscopy

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Suite 204, 21 Burwood Rd P: 83139064

Dr Sidhu Burwood Rooms

Suite 204, 21 Burwood Rd P: 83139064

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P: 9874 1251, F:9012 0874

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